PossibilitiesVideoconferencesWebinarsOnline eventsCategory description
Direction of communicationtwo-wayone-waytwo-wayTwo-way communication is a dialogue with the participants using tools like chat, asking questions, interacting.
Team meetingsDiscussions, showing slides, share your screens with others in a smaller group.
One-on-one meetingsSetting up a private communication channel during a meeting in a larger group.
Meetings over 50 peopleLarger scale events with more users.
Streaming (broadcast of speeches)
Add ons - information beams, animations and graphicsTransmission management of graphics and add ons.
Combining the broadcast with teambuilding toolsDiscussions, showing slides, share your screens with others in a smaller group.
Broadcast studioProfessional brodcast film studio with full technical and organizational facilities.
Virtual studio, Green BoxVirtually created three-dimensional spaces or virtual backgrounds.
Full HD signal transmissionSupport for several transmissions simultaneously in Full HD quality.
Return contact with the directorDirect contact with the event director and the production team. No need of additional connections.
Moderated text chats
Polls, votingVoting during the event with the results presented directly in real time.
Q&A sessionsQuestion and answer sessions with the possibility of asking questions directly to the speaker.
Social media integration
Knowledge testsVerifying participants knowledge and evaluation of acquired skills.
Registration of participants
Registration formsExtensive registration forms adapted to different groups of participants.
Participants package fee
Integration with the online payment system
Services for companies / group registrationGroup registration management
Issuing invoices to participants and group invoicesFinancial services for institutions and groups.
Division into groups - workshops / sessions / lecturesAssigning a participant to selected sessions and workshops
Collecting user statisticsCreating various reports. Payments, number of registrations, subscriptions for sessions
Certificates of participationRemotely generated by the participant.
Creation of the event broadcast pageCreating a dedicated website for broadcasting with interaction tools.
Dedicated brandingFulfilling branding requirements, including font colors, graphics, banners.
Creation of the event websiteInformation website containing registration forms, basic information about the event.
Notification and contact with the participant
Sending e-mail invitations / reminders
Sending mass correspondenceSupport for selected groups of users and sending personalized correspondence.
SMS gateSMS and MMS messages communication
Publications management / articles
Assigning papers to reviewersManaging scientific publications.
Evaluation of the submitted worksSystem of evaluation and verification of scientific works.
Participant integration / entertainment
Team building gamesTeam building games directly on the platform or other easily accessible solutions integrating the participants.
Catering with deliveryDelivery of all-day meal packages on the day of the conference to the indicated addresses throughout Poland.
Dedicated concertsOrganization and managment of dedicated concerts.
Live entertainmentArtistic shows live presentation - eg stand up comedy.
VoD servicesAccess to streaming platforms on demand.
Gadgets and prizesProviding digital delivery of vouchers to be used online in selected stores or traditionally to the indicated addresses at a specified time.
DirectorThe director has control over all elements of the event, from the script to contact with IT and broadcast teams. Makes key decisions about the overall production.
ScenaristThe scenario includes everything that is to take place during the event, and is not spoken by the participants.
CopywriterWe write texts used by speakers. We create speeches. Everything in cooperation with the writer and director.
AnnouncerHosting the event by professional announcers, actors or journalists raises the rank of the event and gives it a more prestigious character.
Account managerDedicated employee to cooperate with the client, responsible for the preparation and implementation of the event
Coach / InstructorWe work with leading training and consulting companies that offer training for all industries.
Comprehensive managementAll tasks are prepared in a comprehensive and professional manner

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